Since the start of the traffic of drugs western societies and South America have played an important role, South America because of its massive production and transportation of cocaine and marihuana. (Colombia , Ecuador , Peru and Bolivia), (most used and sold drugs in the world) and countries in western society such as England and the united states. These countries discuss on how to prevent the deal of narcotics amongst their societies and at the same time giving foreign aid to South American countries in the strugle against drugs and terrorism. The fact is that more than 10 billion dolars every month cross the border to united states in england, countributing to a vast amount in their economy. These countries are really in a tigh spot because if the stop the traffic and use of drugs the people will be better and crimes will be reducted all over the world, also a better fight against terrorism. But if they stop these the economie will go down dramatically, specially in the united states , so these blog will maynly talk about the problems that western society is having with drugs and at the same time whats being done about it and wich are the lies and the truth. Also the massive participation of south america and how this is affecting the walfare of people in these countries and how is the whole population responding to these acts.