The argument underneath this one is a very important one. Relating drug trade in south america and its destinations in generall. This reunion was taken place in Peru (major drug cities in south america) and all of the south american countries took place on it. The main argument was to discuss how they can solve the drug trades and increase security all allong th area to lower down the amounts of drug that is being passed trough there. This part of my post bases more on my own opinion but i tought it would be better to add some information of whats really happening out there in south america to make all facts more intersting and at the same time more reliable. i completly agreee in my opinion to this point of increasing security all over sotuh america, but i think thats not the only way of managing this situacion. because of the enormous demand of european and american countries for south aerican drugs(mainly cocaine and marihuana) the idea would not be only to increase security inthose regions but to also make a desperate call to all countries involved in the traffic of drugs so they can to start reducing drug trades in their countrie. by reducing first the amount of drug use in america and europe the amounts of levels of drugs will reduce enormosly i n south america. theres basically to kind of trades beetwen this continents, one is the actuall bought of cocaine in south america for hard currency, maynly dollars. the other kind of trade is the exchange of cocaine of south america for other sintetic drugs maynly made on the united states and on europe. this kind of exchanfe is the most dangerous one because it is filling south american counntries with new recreational drugs and its making the population of peope taking drugs go up by significant numbers.(these drugs include Extasis, lsd, heroin amongst others. in my opinion i think that the best posible solution to these matter so ar is to first start putting leves of drug use down in countries in america so that there s no more demand of making more drug in south america. the problem that most people dont realize is that for people to make this drugs in south america lots of things happen first, the production o massive amounts of cocaine has made terrible groups in colombia peru en ecuador. the biggest one of these groups is called FARC ( FUERZA AUTONOMA REVOLUTIONARIA COLOMBIANA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5d93rCmaSw ( this is a video showing some photos of farc leaders and peoiple that have been kidnapped by them i order to continue their battle.)on wich to make this supplies they kidnap people in order to obtain more money and they also obtain more land fpor their crops, these has caused terrible civil wars in colombia and other south american countries leading to thousands and thousands of deads. At last i think that people should take in notice how cocaine is destroying the welfare of people in south america and its causing thousands of deads, and hope people are more concius next time they are buying drugs.
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